Monday 28 November 2011

Two Days in the Inn and a Minor Disagreement

We kept a watch overnight both last night and the night before.  And we've hung around the inn all day yesterday and today.  Barr has been out to the tavern and around the north edge of town mid morning and again at dusk.  There was still no sign of our enemy - not at their own former headquarters and not here.

After enjoying the hospitality of our inn for the last couple of days, the futility of our current plan was starting to challenge my patience.  My intuition about these rogues was screaming at me - there is no way they'll either attack us in the inn or come back to their old haunts, especially while we're in town.  I raised these points with the team - I needed to stress to them that I know what I'm talking about here.  They didn't disregard my input, but the consensus was still that we should continue to sit tight - they still think the Evans boys will act.  And the thought is that even if they don't, they'll be losing money every day that we're here and preventing them from extorting money out of anyone.

I dropped my argument there,  my friends weren't ready to consider any other approach.  But I picked it up again over dinner this evening.  The longer we've sat in that inn suite the more convinced I've become that the Evans boys are keeping an eye on us and waiting for us to move on out of the town.  We have to go and find them - and I don't think it will be all that hard once we start looking.  Finally, they began to accept my point of view, but they're unsure how to progress.  I told them I could probably do most of the investigation - I am, after all, trained and experienced in this.  And it meant they could continue to do what they'd planned to (i.e. wait in the inn).

Eventually they agreed enough to allow me to go and do this.  They were discussing whether Daran or Kenner should go with me just in case, but I don't think that's necessary.  If I were to take anyone it would be Barr, and I'd only take him if I needed some assistance twisting arms.  If my suspicions are true, there will be no encounter with any of the gang, and the clients they've been extorting will have had some peace and quiet for two days.  I'll go on on my own initially and see how it goes.  I'm going to start looking at first light tomorrow.

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