Friday 4 November 2011

An Easy Day's Journey

We've spent the day walking back towards the under-land, and the closer we've come the more I've realised that I really have missed the place.  I'm excited about the prospect of returning to my home.  We're not making quick progress, though, and that's probably a good thing.  My legs still ache after the exertions of the past two days chasing down that Gurgam column.

On the journey I asked Barr if he didn't mind explaining a little of his 'special' dice techniques.  It's not the winning of money that is interesting to me, but the challenge of understanding the mechanics of it and knowing things that others do not that I have such an interest in.  He agreed, and we dropped away from the main group a little while he began instructing me.

Before he started teaching me he made me swear on oath to not go blabbing about the methods to all and sundry.  I easily obliged him - if I can become only half as good as he is I'd just throw my knowledge away by telling everyone the secrets.  I do not think it would be helpful to leave too much here in the record of my adventures.  All I will say is that the methods do not relate solely to the dice, that is just one aspect of it.  And it revolves around mathematics, which is something that I've learned well from my dealings with the Dzarraf engineers over the years.  He's promised to give me quite a grounding in the use of playing cards, dice, and a couple of games of rigged chance involving some cups and a pea.

Tonight we're staying in a small Gnaeblin town called Burrussina, and the Hznaman and I have been given proper beds to sleep on.  It's luxury compared to what we've endured recently.  I am going to have a bath!

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